Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Cast

Many of you know my little man broke his leg about a week ago. We were sliding down the biggest baddest slide in Birmingham (a.k.a. the slide of death) when Grayson's leg got caught between me and the slide. It was the strangest thing cause I didn't even think he was actually hurt. He started crying and wouldn't stand on his own. When grayson gets hurt, he cries for a short time, and then he's fine. So, when he didn't stop crying, I knew something was wrong. Well, we got in the car and decided to go to the doctor, however, every time I went over a bump, he would say "it hurwts" and start crying. Then I was very worried. So we raced to the hospital, and I glad we made it alive cause I was running lights and flying down hwy 31. If a cop would have tried to stop me, they would have had to follow me to the ER. So then we made it to the ER and I called my friend to pick Hartley up. I sat Grayson down in a chair so that I could fill out paper work when Grayson jumped out of the chair hurting his leg even more (he was trying to follow me to the desk). He starts screaming, Hartley starts screaming cause he's ready to eat (like always), and I start balling cause Grayson is in more pain. So all of are snot faced and teary. I let the front desk people hold Hartley so Grayson and I could go to get his leg checked out. To make a long story short (kinda), we got the dumbest doctor who said the obvious break in his xray was a blood vessel, and he didn't even put a cast on the leg. Luckily, we got a referral to a specialist, and later on that day, we got his cast put on by a doctor with more sense than the first. The doctor said that he had a "toddler fracutre" which is a fracture that is spiral in nature, but heals quickly. So little man picked a blue cast and here it is....
I know a cast shouldn't be cute, but itsn't it the cutest little blue cast ever? He's doing much better and can now walk on it pretty well.

1 comment:

Allison Miranda said...

Awww, poor Gray-Gray! I've never broken a bone or anything, but I can imagine how painful it is.
My nephew bumps and bruises himself a lot too, so I guess it's quite common.
